polynucleotide marker, isolated polynucleotide, isolated abc transporter polypeptide, plant, cell, seed, method for selecting a soybean plant or germplasm, method of introgression of a herbicide resistance allele in a soybean plant, method for conferring tolerance or improved tolerance to one or more herbicides, method for selectively controlling weeds in a field containing a crop
polynucleotide marker, isolated polynucleotide, isolated abc transporter polypeptide, plant, cell, seed, method for selecting a soybean plant or germplasm, method of introgression of a herbicide resistance allele in a soybean plant, method for conferring tolerance or improved tolerance to one or more herbicides, method for selectively controlling weeds in a field containing a crop. The present invention relates generally to the detection of genetic differences between soybeans. more particularly, quantitative trait (qtl) loci associated with herbicide tolerance, including tolerance to one or more hppd inhibitor herbicide, such as mesotrione and isoxazole herbicides and / or a ppo inhibitor herbicide; soybean plants having these qtls; and genetic markers that are indicative of phenotypes associated with such herbicide tolerance are provided. methods and compositions for using these markers in soybean genotype and selection are also described, as well as methods and compositions for using weed control herbicides. Polynucleotides and polypeptides isolated to such tolerance or sensitivity and methods of introgression of such are also described. tolerance on a plant by breeding, or transgenically, or by a combination thereof. Plant cells, plants and seeds are also provided.marcador de polinucleotídeo, polinucleotídeo isolado, polipeptídeo transportador abc isolado, planta, célula, semente, método para seleção de uma planta ou germoplasma de soja, método de introgressão de um alelo de resistência a herbicida em uma planta de soja, método para conferir tolerância ou tolerância melhorada a um ou mais herbicidas, método para controlar de modo seletivo plantas daninhas em um campo contendo uma cultura. a presente invenção refere-se, de modo geral, à detecção de diferenças genéticas entre feijões sojas. mais particularmente, loci de traços quantitativos (qtl) associados com tolerância herbicida, incluindo tolerãncia a um ou mais herbicida inibidor de hppd, como herbicidas meso