The present invention relates to novel polymer conjugates of K-252a andderivatives thereof and to their use for the preparation of a pharmaceuticalcomposition useful for the prevention, alleviation and treatment of kinase-associated pathologies. In particular, the present invention relates to theprevention, alleviation and treatment of HMGB1-associated pathologies. In aparticular aspect, the invention relates to the use of the novel polymerconjugates of K-252a and derivatives thereof in the preparation of apharmaceutical composition useful for the prevention, alleviation andtreatment of neurological disorders, neuropathies and neurodegenerativedisorders of the central and peripheral nervous system. In a further preferredaspect, the invention relates to the use of the polymer conjugates in thepreparation of a pharmaceutical composition useful for the prevention,alleviation and treatment of dermal pathologies, in particular dermalpathologies associated with an excessive keratinocyte proliferation, inparticular psoriasis. In a still further aspect, the invention relates to theuse of the polymer conjugates in the prevention, alleviation and treatment ofNGF-related pain. More specifically, the present invention relates to apolymer conjugate of K-252a and derivatives thereof, wherein the polymer ispolyethylene glycol or methoxy-polyethylene glycol formula (I).