Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Severo-Zapadnyj gosudarstvennyj meditsinskij universitet im. I.I. Mechnikova" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya R
Kiryanova Vera Vasilevna,Кирьянова Вера Васильевна,Kosareva Marina Ivanovna,Косарева Марина Ивановна,Trapeznikov Andrej Vladimirovich,Трапезников Андрей Владимирович
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to traumatology and rehabilitation, and can be used in treating patients after reconstructive operations on knee joints in early rehabilitation period. Operated joint is exposed to narrow-band optical radiation in close contact and labile manner. Radiated area is 78.5 cm2, the radiation intensity is 100 %. Pain syndrome is evaluated by BRISTOL KNEE SCORE scale in points. Microcirculation disorders in the operated joint is estimated as the difference between lengths of circles of a healthy and operated knee joint. In presence of 0 points pain syndrome and the disturbed microcirculation in the operated knee of 0.5-2.0 cm the knee is exposed to narrow-band optical radiation with the wavelength of 470 nm at the emission power of 100 mWt, the power density of 31 mWt/cm2 and the total dose of radiation for a single procedure of 1.4-2.8 J/cm2 for 5-10 minutes. From 3 to 10 procedures are performed. In presence of 0 points pain syndrome and the disturbed microcirculation in the operated joint of 2.1-3.0 cm the knee is initially exposed to narrow-band optical radiation with the wavelength of 470 nm, at the emission power of 100mWt, the power density of 31 mWt/cm2 and the total dose of radiation for a single procedure of 1.4-2.8 J/cm2. 4-5 procedures 5-10 minutes each are performed. They are followed by 5-7 procedures 5-10 minutes each, while exposing narrow-band optical radiation with the wave length of 540 nm, with the emission power of 10 mWt, the power density of 1.0 mWt/cm2 and the total dose of radiation for a single procedure of 0.05-0.1 J/cm2. In presence of 6 points pain syndrome and the disturbed microcirculation in the operated joint of 3.1-6.0 cm, the knee is exposed to narrow-band optical radiation with the wavelength of 470 nm and the wave length of 540 nm during one procedure. Initially it is radiated for 5-10 minutes with narrow-band optical radiation with the wave length of 540 nm, at the emissio