"Polipept u00ecdiosterapeutico, their counterparts, their fragments, which are used in the modulations of platelet aggregation.The present invention relates to polypeptides which comprise at least one single domain antibody is directed against VWF, vWF A1 domain, the domain A1 of vWF activated.The domain of vWF A3, GPLB and / or collagen, counterparts of these polypeptides, and / or functional parts of said polypeptides.For the treatment of pathological requires modulation of platelet aggregation and overcomes the problems of the technique above.An additional aspect of the invention is to provide a method for producing said polypeptides, method for coating devices with such polypeptides used in medical procedures (e.g.,PCTA, insertion of expandable stent), methods and kits for select agents that modulate platelet aggregation and kits for diagnosing diseases related to platelet aggregation.