The invention relates to the biomass processing equipment and can be used in animal husbandry, processing and food industries for the manufacture of combined granular feeds.The pellet conditioning cooler consists of a frame (1), on which is fixed a case (2) in the form of a parallelepiped, on which, in turn, is welded a cylindrical hopper (3) for the collection and cooling of pellets with three strain gauges (4, 5, 6 ), in the upper part of which is fixed a cover (7), on which are mounted a sluice valve (8), a pellet concentrator (9) in the form of a truncated cone with windows in the upper part, a deflector (10) in the form of a cone and a mesh partition (11) fixed in front of the inlet (12) of an air duct (13), which is equipped with a cooling fan (14). In the case (2) is installed a device for removal from the hopper (3) of the conditioned pellets, made in the form of a frame of cross (15) and longitudinal (16) bars, welded in the form of a square, on which are mounted rollers (17), covered with plates (18), welded slantwise to the side walls of the hopper (3), and with corners (19, 20), fixed by means of plates (21, 22) on the frame of the device for removal from the hopper (3) of the conditioned pellets. The corners (19, 20) and the plates (18) are perforated, with the diameter of perforations smaller than the diameter of pellets. The bottom (23) of the case (2) is made of plates (24).Invenţia se referă la utilaje de prelucrare a biomasei şi poate fi utilizată în zootehnie, industriile prelucrătoare şi alimentară pentru producerea nutreţurilor combinate granulate.Răcitorul pentru condiţionarea peletelor conţine un cadru (1), pe care este fixat un corp (2) în formă de paralelipiped, pe care, la rândul său, este sudat un buncăr (3) cilindric pentru acumularea şi răcirea peletelor cu trei traductori tensometrici (4, 5, 6), în partea de sus a căruia este fixat un capac (7), pe care sunt montate o vană de ecluză (8), un concentrator de pelete (9) de formă tronconică