Any bicortically installed implant has contact with mucosa of maxillary sinus, I.e. Schneider membrane. All surfaces of the tip will disrupt it even rounded form with microstructure (for example, sandblasted), only polished surface is intended to minimize its affect. Therefore, this part of root of implant has to be specially designed in manufacturing and even told with special course to otolaryngologists (USD689610, Nobel, Straumann and etc.). Prefabricated and adjustable basal implants presented on contemporary market does not allow to control and precise position the implant and therefore cant be recommended for bicortical fixation (Dr. Ihde Dental AG, PERSO-B and etc.). Implants using standard design weaken structure of maxilla in case of bicortical fixation and often result with penetration in maxillary sinus, because of their cylindrical design. This complication is excluded with proposed system firstly on account of first ring diameter, that is bigger than hemispherical apical part, secondly with help of precision drilling technique and lastly with help of first ring, which is fixed in alveolar cortical bone orally. Hammered implant positioning also does not give predict precise position of implant, based on the fact it is currently impossible to deliver push with precise controlled force and direction. Therefore, it is proposed to use the special system for this particular situation.Tout implant implanté de façon bicorticale est en contact avec la muqueuse du sinus maxillaire, cest-à-dire la membrane de Schneider. Toutes les surfaces de la pointe rompent même une forme arrondie avec une microstructure (par exemple, sablée), seule la surface polie est destinée à minimiser son effet. Par conséquent, cette partie de racine dimplant doit être spécialement conçue pour fabriquer et même doit faire lobjet dun cours spécial pour les oto-rhino-laryngologistes (USD689610, Nobel, Straumann, etc.). Des implants de base préfabriqués et réglables présentés sur le marché c