The invention relates to Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain B165, deposited under the number NCAIM(P) B0013603, as a bioinoculant for the treatment of vegetable wastes in complementarity with conservative agricultural technologies, having a broad antifungal spectrum against phytopathogenic soil fungi, plant growth stimulating activity and capacity of mineralization of vegetable material.Prezenta invenţie se referă la tulpina de Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B165, cu numărul de depozit NCAIM (P)B0013603, bioinoculant, pentru tratamentul resturilor vegetale, în complementaritate cu tehnologiile agricole conservative, cu spectru larg de acţiune antifungică faţă de ciuperci de sol fitopatogene, activitate de stimulare a creşterii plantelor şi capacitate de mineralizare a materialului vegetal.