FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: present invention refers to medicine, namely to maxillofacial surgery, and is intended for use in eliminating mandibular atrophy of various origins – congenital absence of teeth, atrophy, injures of jaws, with the possibility of further dental implantation into this area. Mucous membrane of the oral cavity is incised along a crest of the alveolar portion of the lower jaw. Mucous-periosteal graft is inclined to the buccal side with subsequent plasty of the lower jaw by the bone autografts, perforation of the external cortical plate of the lower jaw. Space between the lower jaw and the bone autograft is filled with a mixture of autologous bone chips and osteoplastic material chips, closing the bone surface with a collagen membrane with further mobilization of the mucoperiosteal flap and closing the wound. Bone autograft used is a bone autograft from a cranial vault prepared by a semilunar incision of skin, subcutaneous fat, periosteum in parietooccipital region with subsequent delamination and reclamation of skin-aponeurotic flap in frontal region, sampling of two bone autografts with length of 25–32 mm, width of 20–25 mm and thickness of 1.5–2.5 mm on both sides of sagittal suture, deviating therefrom by 10–15 mm, with further division of autografts into bone fragments with length and width of 10–15 mm and bone fragments with length of 20–25 mm, width of 10–15 mm, which are placed alternately one after another. At that, fragments of bone autografts with length of 10–15 mm are placed from the edges with application of edges of fragments of bone autografts with length of 20–25 mm on fragments of bone autografts with length of 10–15 mm followed by filling the space between the lower jaw and the bone autograft with a mixture of autogenous bone chips and osteoplastic chips, closing the bone surface with a collagen membrane, mobilizing the mucoperiosteal flap and closing the wound.EFFECT: method allows increasing the volume of mandibular bone tis