Учреждение Российской академии медицинских наук Научный центр здоровья детей РАМН (НЦЗД РАМН) (RU)
Пленников Вячеслав Михайлович (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, methods of treating neurological disorders, musculoskeletal apparatus. With assistance of methodologist-rehabilitologist complex of exercises in reflex-suppressing poses is performed with simultaneous positioning of body and extremities into physiologic positions, which are not typical for children with spastic forms of muscular tone disorders, in accordance with 10 exercises, presented in the invention formula. In the process of entire procedure child is in poses, suppressing pathological reflexes, and undergoes the entire sequence of motor ontogenesis at the background of constant stimulation of vestibule-tonic responses due to putting child into initially "unstable", "inconvenient" for them poses. Influence on receptor apparatus of motor structures, muscles, joint-and-ligament apparatus of arms, legs, spine is performed due to special poses, which represent basic elements of Indian yoga, modified and adapted in correspondence with anatomical and physiological peculiarities of childs organism and present neurological and neuroorthopedic pathology.EFFECT: claimed complex "Statodynamic adaptive exercise" (SDAE) can be used for rehabilitation of children with spastic forms of cerebral paralysis with constant increased tone of separate groups of muscles and makes it possible to increase efficiency of treatment of said group of children due to more precise determination of places of force impact application in such patients with formation of motor skills in physiological limits, correction of pathological synergy and synkinesis.2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, способам лечения неврологических нарушений опорно-двигательного аппарата. С помощью методиста-реабилитолога проводят комплекс упражнений в рефлексподавляющих позах с одновременным приданием туловищу и конечностям физиологичных положений, не типичных для детей со спастическими формами нарушения мышечного тонуса, согласно 10 упражнениям, представленным