The present invention discloses a planting growth control system featuring ladder-type light source. The planting growth control system featuring ladder-type light source essentially comprises: at least one planting tray for placing plants thereon, a production moving line configured within the system limited area for guiding displacement of the planting tray according to the plants growth height a plurality of light fixtures disposed above the location corresponding to the production moving line so as to provide the light source, and the light fixtures configured in a manner of gradually rising along the guiding direction of the production moving line. In this way, the planting tray loaded with plants can be moved beneath the light fixtures at a higher location according to the height changes arising from plants growth at different stages, thereby giving plants the required lighting condition at different growth stages, and generating a better lighting effect on the plants at different output power in order to achieve the purpose of relatively lower energy costs.本發明主要揭露一種具有階梯式光源之植栽生長控制系統。所述具有階梯式光源之植栽生長控制系統基本上係具有至少一供放置植物的植栽盤,在系統限定之區域內規劃有依照植物生長高度而引導植栽盤位移的生產動線;對應於生產動線上方處設有複數用以提供光源的燈具,且燈具係呈順著生產動線之引導方向逐步上升之方式配置。俾可隨著植物在不同生長階段所產生的高度變化,將承載植物的植栽盤朝高度較高的燈具下方移動,給予植物在不同生長階段所需光照條件,以及在不同輸出功率下,可對植物產生較佳的光照效果,達到相對降低能源成本之目的。10‧‧‧植物20‧‧‧植栽盤30‧‧‧生產動線31‧‧‧水渠40‧‧‧燈具41‧‧‧發光二極體50‧‧‧控制模組60‧‧‧箱框