The present invention relates to a medical composite biomaterial. More specifically, the present invention relates to a medical composite biomaterial including collagen and a hyaluronic acid derivative. Also, the present invention relates to a cartilage cell treating agent using the biomaterial and stem cells derived from a mammal umbilical cord. The biomaterial does not cause an immune reaction, has superior durability, and the cartilage cell treating agent comprising the biomaterial and the stem cells enables arthroscopic surgery, thereby reducing pain of the patient and effectively treat of degenerative arthritis and cartilage damage.医療用複合生体素材に係り、更に詳細にはコラーゲン及びヒアルロン酸誘導体を含む医療用複合生体素材に係り、該生体素材及び哺乳類の臍帯由来幹細胞を利用した軟骨細胞治療剤に係り、該生体素材は免疫反応を引き起こさず、耐久性に優れ、かような生体素材と幹細胞とを含んだ軟骨細胞治療剤は関節鏡を利用した施術が可能であり、患者の苦痛を低減させるだけではなく、効果的に退行性関節炎及び軟骨損傷を治療することが可能である。【選択図】図1