Semennikova Nina Vladimirovna,Семенникова Нина Владимировна,Semennikov Vladimir Ivanovich,Семенников Владимир Иванович,Tukenov Evgenij Sergeevich,Тукенов Евгений Сергеевич
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to dentistry, and can be used for treating radicular cysts. For this purpose, the carious cavity is dissected. Root canals of causative teeth are treated with an antiseptic. Periosteal-bone flap is cut and shell of the cyst and epithelium is removed from the tops of roots of causative teeth. Root canals of causative teeth are dried and permanently filled. Cyst shell removal is performed by removing the contents of the cystin in the form of cystic fluid using a vacuum aspirator through perforation holes with a diameter of 1.1-2.0 mm preliminary made in the cyst wall in one or two areas. Then, after drying the area of apexes of dental roots extending in the cyst cavity and permanent tight filling of channels of said teeth 2-4 ml of photosensitizer is introduced into the cyst cavity for 1-2 minutes. It is followed by additional drying and exposure to a diode laser with the power of 0.5 W, 640-650 nm for 20-30 seconds through one or both perforation holes and then Collap-An gel with metrogyl is introduced through the holes in the bone cavity and Levomekol ointment is applied onto the area of holes.EFFECT: method ensures removal of cyst without damaging the surrounding tissues and dry root canals for their reliable tight filling, reduced intraoperative injuries, elimination of postoperative inflammatory complications and prevention of recurrent cyst.1 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к стоматологии, и может быть использовано для лечения радикулярных кист. Для этого осуществляют препарирование кариозной полости. Проводят антисептическую обработку корневых каналов «причинных» зубов. Выкраивают слизисто-надкостнично-костный лоскут и удаляют оболочку кисты и эпителия с верхушек корней «причинных» зубов. Осуществляют высушивание и постоянное пломбирование корневых каналов «причинных» зубов. При этом удаление оболочки кисты проводят путем удаления содержимого кисты в виде кистозной жидкости с по