Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Иркутский государственный университет"
Кулишенко Юрий Леонидович (RU),Бобровский Владимир Ильич (RU),Мельник Иван Андреевич (RU)
Installation for growing microalgae, including a frame for the tank, a sealed container made of translucent material, a valve for emergency gas discharge, a fitting with a valve for supplying carbon dioxide, light sources, a device for mixing suspension and heaters, characterized in that the tank has transverse walls has holes with mounted equipment for supplying and bypassing the gas mixture, air heating elements, sensors for measuring the pressure of the gas mixture and the level of carbon dioxide the basics in the specified gas mixture, the sensors of the level of internal illumination created by the installation lamps, valves with fittings for fixing the hoses for supplying the solution of micro and macro elements and draining the suspension; in addition, in the transverse walls of the container body, the outside is additionally oppositely installed: on the first wall there is a cabinet with a sealed door in which an electric motor, a reduction gear, a timer and an active pulley are placed, on the second there is a cabinet with a sealed cover with a passive pulley and a device cable tension system mixing the suspension, made in the form of a moving frame inside the case with a rubber or foam strip fixed to its outer lower and lateral sides and installed in its upper part oppositely directed funnels having Turndown in their narrowest part of the upper sash; the ends of the cable are fixed with a screw with a countersunk head in a ball with a diameter larger than the narrow outlet of the indicated funnels with a through channel for the cable and a hole for the screw with sweat perpendicular to the specified channelПолезная модель относится к микробиологической промышленности и сельскому хозяйству и предназначена для выращивания планктонных и донных (почвенных) видов и штаммов микроводорослей, используемых в качестве биоактивных добавок в питании человека, витаминных подкормок для животных и птицы и при культивировании водных беспозвоночных животных с целью кормлен