A position estimation method for an ultrasonic guiding device is proposed. The ultrasonic guiding device uses an ultrasonic emitter and several receivers to detect if there are obstacles in a specified area. A lot of definite points have been set in the specified area. Each point correlates with the receivers’ measured results in given specified ranges. When an obstacle is found, definite points met the measured results will be considered as position of the obstacle.一種使用於超音波導盲裝置之障礙物位置定位方法,對使用單一超音波發射器與複數個超音波接收器的超音波導盲裝置,在一個限定偵測區域內,預設許多的座標點,每一個座標點皆對應到複數個超音波接收器的特定範圍測量結果。當超音波導盲裝置偵測到障礙物時,即選取條件吻合的預設座標點為障礙物座標。100_N...預設座標點200_N...預設座標點500...超音波發射器510...超音波接收器520...超音波接收器530...超音波接收器