Blind people are often found to be struggling with obstacles along their path. They are more prone to falls and other accidents because they cannot clearly discern their expensive will be the usual result. The “Hidden Eye” is the best solution to replace the walking cane or a guide dog. The walking cane must hit the object first then only the blind man can detect it. The Hidden Eye is equipped with infrared sensors which will detect the object at a certain distance and avoid it instead of hitting it. Hence it acts much better than a guide dog. The microcontroller is programmed to use infrared sensors to avoid obstacles. The components and the materials used are easily available in the market. The design proposed is like a big foot two tyre vehicle with sensors attached with a stick to be hold by the blind man. Three sensors are used two of them pointing in Left and Right direction and the third sensors pointing at the bottom to detect holes. Only one switch will be provided at the top of the cane which would be hold by the Blind man to start the circuit. The invention is described by way of example with reference with the help of Figure 1 of sheet 1 showing block diagram of the assembly of one of the preferred embodiment.