Gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie zdravookhraneniya "Nauchno-issledovatelskij institut - kraevaya klinicheskaya bolnitsa N 1 imeni professora S.V. Ochapovskogo" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya K
Bogdanov Sergej Borisovich (RU),Богданов Сергей Борисович (RU),Polyakov Andrej Vladimirovich (RU),Поляков Андрей Владимирович (RU),Marchenko Denis Nikolaevich (RU),Марченко Денис Николаевич (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to surgery, combustiology, plastic surgery, and can be used for treating a donor's abdominal wound. Full-thickness skin transplant with subcutaneous fat is sampled to abdominal surface fascia, hemostasis, plastic closure of donor wound. After the transplant is taken with separate interrupted sutures, the edges of the donor wound are contracted from the periphery to the center, reducing the area of the wound defect. Performing application of dermal autofibroblasts or allofybroblasts in concentration of 1 million cells in 1 ml to bottom of donor's wound with exposure of 30 minutes. That is followed by simultaneous closure of the wound with a perforated splitter with a perforation factor of 1:2 of skin autografts 0.25 mm thick, which are closed with a meshy atraumatic coating. A vacuum bandage is applied on the donor belly for 5 days at constant pressure of 110 mm Hg with apparatus for vacuum therapy of wounds VivanoTec. On 7th postoperative day, the wound coating is removed.EFFECT: method enables reducing the traumatism of the operation by reducing the area of the donor wound, reducing the area of the split transplant to close the donor wound, reduced volume of blood loss from soft tissues in the area of full-thickness skin transplant, faster adaptation and engraftment of split perforated skin transplants, improved functional and aesthetic results of surgical treatment.1 cl, 26 dwg, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к хирургии, комбустиологии, пластической хирургии, и может быть использовано для лечения донорской раны живота. Осуществляют забор полнослойного кожного трансплантата с подкожно-жировой клетчаткой до поверхностной фасции на животе, гемостаз, пластическое закрытие донорской раны. При этом после забора трансплантата отдельными узловыми швами стягивают края донорской раны от периферии к центру, уменьшая площадь раневого дефекта. Производят аппликацию дермальных аутофибробластов или а