The proposed invention relates to cosmetology, sports, restoratory medicine and physiotherapy. A vacuum nozzle comprises a housing with a cavity forming a axially symmetrical swirl chamber provided with an inlet canal tangentially connected with the swirl chamber, wherein the inlet canal has a conoidal-shaped surface, the inlet orifice of the inlet canal is formed by a conoid guide formed as a circle, wherein the outlet orifice is formed by crossing the conoidal surface of the inlet canal with the inner surface of the swirl chamber, wherein the big axis of the transversal conoid section is parallel to the generatrix of the swirl chamber inner surface, and in the transversal section, extending through the axis of the inlet channel, the wall of the inlet canal in its conjunction with the swirl chamber is arranged tangentially to said surface. For providing continuous smooth displacement of the vacuum nozzle along a humans body with tight engagement thereto, avoiding its free tear-off from the body, a method is proposed for underwater vacuum health-improving massage according to which at least a part of a humans body is submerged in water and applying the vacuum nozzle thereto by causing alternating suction of human skin while moving along the humans body the submerged vacuum nozzle, water jet is fed into the nozzle with swirling thereof in the nozzle cavity creating vacuum therein, wherein the vacuum created in the nozzle is maintained at less than 0,90 atmosphere avoiding tear-off of the vacuum nozzle from the humans body along the humans body.Предлагаемое изобретение относится к косметологии, спортивной и восстановительной медицине, физиотерапии. Вакуумная насадка содержит корпус с полостью, образующей осесимметричную вихревую камеру, с входным каналом, тангенциально соединенным с вихревой камерой, при этом входной канал имеет поверхность коноидальной формы, впускное отверстие входного канала образовано направляющей коноида в виде окружности, а выпускное отверстие о