FIELD: medicine, pharmaceutics.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to chemical-pharmaceutical industry, and represents an immunomodulator for treating chronic hepatitis, hepatic cancer, lymphatic sarcoma, chronic leukemia, and for improving the functions of liver and blood-forming organs, for enhancing the immunobiological body characteristics, prepared by mixing 1000 ml of an aqueous infusion of sandy everlasting blossom, pepper mint herb and chicory herb with 50 ml of bovine serum containing leukaemia oncovirus antibodies, 20 ml of wild rosemary infusion, 40 g of ascorbic acid, 2 g of sorbic acid, 0.2 g of folic acid until the ingredients are dissolved completely, with adding 60 g of liver powder, 30 g of lymphatic node powder, 30 g of young bovine spleen powder the prepared solution is settled at room temperature for 24 hours, then kept at a boiling water bath for 30 minutes and cooled for 6-8 hours at room temperature the settled solution is filtered, wherein the aqueous herbal solution is prepared by mixing equal proportions of the separately prepared aqueous infusions of 40 g of pepper mint herb in 1000 ml of water, 30 g of sandy everlasting blossom in 1000 ml of water and 30 g of chicory herb in 1000 ml of water, while the wild rosemary infusion is prepared by infusing 60 g of ground wild rosemary blossom in 1000 ml of 70% purified ethanol.EFFECT: invention provides creating the high-efficacy agent and reducing the length of treatment.Изобретение относится к области химико-фармацевтической промышленности и представляет собой иммуномодулятор для лечения хронических гепатитов, рака печени, лимфосаркомы, хронического бластозного лейкоза и улучшения функций печени и органов кроветворения, повышения иммунобиологических свойств организма, полученный путем смешивания 1000 мл водного настоя цветков бессмертника песчаного, травы мяты перечной и травы цикория с 50 мл сыворотки крупного рогатого скота, содержащей антитела к онковирусам лейкоза, 20 мл настойки болиголова, 40 г а