Gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie zdravookhraneniya goroda Moskvy Nauchno-issledovatelskij institut skoroj pomoshchi imeni N.V. Sklifosovskogo Departamenta zdravookhraneniya g. Moskvy
Kokov Leonid Sergeevich,Коков Леонид Сергеевич,Volynskij Yurij Donovich,Волынский Юрий Донович,Chuchalin Aleksandr Grigorevich,Чучалин Александр Григорьевич,Tarabrin Evgenij Aleksandrovich,Тарабрин Ев
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medical technology, namely, to an angiographic bronchial catheter for catheterization of the bronchial and intercostal arteries. Catheter is made in the form of an elastic tube with a first end straight working section interfaced with a first bend with a second working section. Second working section is conjugated by a second bend with a third bend, bent into the opposite side of the second bend and coupled to the base of an elastic tube located in one with the bends of the plane. Base of the elastic tube is oriented at an angle of 45° with respect to the second working section, made straight and having a length of 35–45 mm. First working section is 17–25 mm in length and has a conical part 5–8 mm long at the end, with an atraumatic rounding. Second and third bends are made in the form of elastic shaping elements, bent, respectively, along a radius of 15–25 mm and a radius of 80–120 mm. First bend is made at an angle of 85–95° and curved along a radius of 5–8 mm.EFFECT: technical result is a reduction in the risk of complications caused by catheterization of the bronchial and intercostal branches of the thoracic aorta of small diameter, by minimizing the risk of damage to the mouths of the bronchial and intercostal arteries, as well as the development of reflux of microemboli from the mouths of the embolisable branches of the thoracic aorta.7 cl, 7 dwgИзобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к ангиографическому бронхиальному катетеру для катетеризации бронхиальных и межреберных артерий. Катетер выполнен в виде эластичной трубки с первым концевым прямым рабочим участком, сопряженным первым изгибом со вторым рабочим участком. Второй рабочий участок сопряжен вторым изгибом с третьим изгибом, выгнутым в противоположную второму изгибу сторону и сопряженным с основанием эластичной трубки, расположенным в одной с изгибами плоскости. Основание эластичной трубки ориентировано под углом 45° по отношению ко второму р