Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие «Московское протезно-ортопедическое предприятие» Министерства труда и социальной защиты Российской Федерации
Заворотная Елена Константиновна (RU),Фролова Ирина Васильевна (RU)
The utility model relates to medical equipment, namely to fixing orthopedic bandages designed to support the organs of the abdominal cavity and pelvis. The bandage is made in the shape of underpants and contains a belt, grips, covering the hips of the user and each consisting of two parts in the form of elastic bands, connected at the ends to each other at an angle to each other, and the junction of which is equipped with a fastener in the form of a textile fastener, as well as a removable a pillow and a tape extending from the back of the pelvis of the user, passed through the crotch of the user and which at the end is made with a textile fastener for fixing on the specified pillow. The bandage is equipped with a rear part, to which side parts are sewn, bearing the specified hooks. The bandage is made of a material containing polyamide and polyurethane. On the upper edge of the back part is a part made of elastic tape, which acts as a belt and ensures the fit and fixation of the bandage in the waist area. A tape is attached to the back part, which is a gusset and which at the end is made with a textile fastener for attaching to the pillow, and the tape extending from the back of the user's pelvis is attached to the belt on the back part and stretched over the gusset. In this case, the rear and side parts are made of two layers of material. The utility model makes it possible to enhance the maintenance of the muscular aponeurotic structures of the anterior abdominal wall in order to prevent the prolapse of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis due to the formation of a circular force belt of a fixed shape. 4 ill.Полезная модель относится к медицинской технике, а именно к фиксирующим ортопедическим бандажам, предназначенным для поддержания органов брюшной полости и малого таза. Бандаж выполнен по форме трусов и содержит пояс, подхваты, охватывающие бедра пользователя и каждый состоящий из двух частей в виде эластичных лент, соединяющихся по концам между собой под угл