1. The formulation of a nutritional supplement, including: a source of fat; carbohydrate source; and a protein source, a source of minerals to provide a highly alkaline diet, wherein said composition comprises whole protein or protein concentrates or isolates, which may or may not be a low acid protein consisting of peas, caseinoglycomacropeptide, carob, soy, canola, flax, wheat, corn, or potato protein, and includes pea protein in an amount of at least 20 wt.% protein; where the composition is intended to reduce metabolic acidosis, complications resulting from acidosis, or conditions, which can be improved by modulating the acid-base balance of the animal; where the recipe is at least 90% of the patient’s calories. 2. The nutritional supplement formulation of claim 1, further comprising free carnitine. The nutritional supplement formulation according to claim 1, which is 100% of the patient’s calories. The nutritional supplement formulation of claim 1, which is a complete nutritional composition. The nutritional supplement formulation of claim 1, which is an oral dietary supplement for food. The nutritional supplement formulation of claim 1, which is a probe nutrition. The nutritional supplement formulation according to claim 1, which is a module that can be added to any probe nutrition to increase the alkalinity of the consumer’s diet. The nutritional supplement formulation of claim 1, further comprising at least one of prebiotics, soluble fiber, insoluble fiber, probiotics, amino acids, fish fat, phytonutrient, antioxidant, and combinations thereof. Nutritional Formulation1. Рецептура питательной добавки, включающая:источник жиров; источник углеводов; и источник белка, источник минеральных веществ для обеспечения высокощелочного рациона, в которой указанный состав включает цельный белок или белковые концентраты или изоляты, которые могут быть или могут не быть низко-кислотным белком, состоящим из гороха, казеиногликомакропептида, рожкового дерева, сои, канолы, ль