Group The invention relates to medicine, in particular, to dispensaries for personal protection against ticks and first aid in detecting stuck tick.Kit for individual protection from mite and first aid detection stuck tick in the first embodiment comprises a cell for therapeutic agents in which the tablet has Jodantipyrin, antiseptic and auxiliaries, comprising a device for extracting a mite. Kit further comprises akaroinsektitsidnoe means for transporting the container tick on the analysis, the instructions for use of treatment and aids to the algorithm urgent action instructions to the component parts from the manufacturers, the cell in the form of pockets disposed in a case as a canister with a zipper, made of a soft material .Kit for individual protection from mite and first aid detection stuck tick of the second embodiment comprises a cell, which has antiseptic and auxiliaries, comprising a device for extracting a mite. Akaroinsektitsidnoe kit further comprises a means for transporting the container for analysis mite, instructions for use with the algorithm aids urgent action, the cell package made of a lock with zip-lock.The technical result is to increase the efficiency of medical care as a result of the emergence of the individual security features of the tick and the simplification of its use of the process when tick bites.2 n.p.f. 15 z.p.f. 4 Fig.Группа полезных моделей относится к медицине, в частности, к аптечкам для индивидуальной защиты от клеща и оказания первой помощи при обнаружении присосавшегося клеща.Аптечка для индивидуальной защиты от клеща и оказания первой помощи при обнаружении присосавшегося клеща по первому варианту содержит ячейки для лечебных средств, в которых размещены таблетки йодантипирина, антисептическое средство и вспомогательные средства, включающие устройство для извлечения клеща. Аптечка дополнительно содержит акароинсектицидное средство, контейнер для транспортировки клеща на анализ, инструкцию по использованию лечебных и вспо