The object of the present invention is a device for measuring skinfold thickness digitally instrumented for reading the thickness of skin folds and possessing wireless data communication capability with a remote station (for example, a personal computer) in which is installed a software application integrating a database.The developed device utilises working principles distinct from those available in the market, in particular uses a constant force actuator (11) integrated in the device handle (12A), whose primary function is to impose a constant contact pressure between the end tip faces (1A and 1B) and the skinfold under measurement. Another characteristic is related to the increase of the opening limit of the end tips (1A and 1B) by using a large centre distance for the jaws pivot axes, jointly with a cam for compensating the change in the force arm length, the constant force actuator and the orientation mechanism of the clamping faces of the end tips, whereby the application of a constant pressure throughout the whole measuring range is accomplished.