JEREMI&Cacute, M. BRANISLAV PROF. DR.,JEREMIĆ, M. Branislav prof. dr.,ARSENIJEVI&Cacute, N. SLOBODAN. PROF. DR.,ARSENIJEVIĆ, N. Slobodan. prof. dr.,MA&CcaronU&ZcaronI&Cacute D. IVAN DR.,MAČUŽIĆ D. Iva
Invention herewith described refers to the system for the continuous and controllable balloon dilatation (CCBD) in medicine which is a new and original approach and solution with clear comparative advantages compared to the existing methods and systems for medical dilatation. The specific design solutions and applied materials provide a completely different behaviour during the process of dilatation. Compared to the standard balloon dilators, the system for CCBD has a full controllability, which is achieved by the control of the maximum dilatation diameter and by the control of dilatation process working parameters. The system for the continuous and controllable balloon dilatation in medicine consists of the high pressure injection pump (1) with the module for controlling and monitoring working parameters of the module (2) for the regulation of dilatation process working parameters, the brackets (3) for the balloon dilator for CCBD and for the balloon dilator (4) for CCBD. The balloon dilator (4) for CCBD has the two-layer structure whereat the maximum dilatation diameter of the balloon dilator for the CCBD is specified by dimensions and the specific structure of the inner silicon layer reinforced with fibres of high strength.Sistem za kontinualnu i kontrolabilnu balon dilataciju (KKBD) u medicini predstavlja nov i originalan pristup i rešenje sa jasno definisanim komparativnim prednostima u odnosu na postojeće metode i sisteme za medicinsku dilataciju. Specifična konstruktivna rešenja i primenjeni materijali obezbeđuju potpuno drugačije ponašanje u toku postupka dilatacije. U odnosu na standardne balon dilatatore sistem za KKBD ima osobinu potpune kontrolabilnosti koja se postiže kontrolom maksimalnog prečnika dilatacije i kontrolom radnih parametara procesa dilatacije.Sistem za kontinualnu i kontrolabilnu balon dilataciju u medicini sastoji se iz injekcione pumpe (1) visokog pritiska sa modulom za upravljanje i praćenje radnih parametara, modula za regulaciju radn