The present invention relates plain commercially available wound blind position placing glue on, the position to place the tool to tighten know its position, easy clean to provide a winding cord that can make the winding sushi. A winding blind colored member of (seaweed lower end) 2 and colored member I put the laver between (laver lower end) 6. Then, laying the sushi rice between to the position of member 3 is colored with member (laver lower end) 6 colored with a thickness of approximately 5~10mm on top of the glue. Then, it placed between the 5 (lower end line Place ingredients) sushi (top line Place ingredients) member colored the ingredients such as shiitake and dried gourd shavings on top of the rice 4 and colored member. Next, hold the front of the winding blind 9, to carry up to the position of the colored member 3 while rounding the ingredients on a winding blind. Finally, loosen the winding blind 9 that carried to the position of the colored member 3, carry on the position of the colored member 2, and shaping, Ill wound clean. .BACKGROUND【課題】普通市販されている巻き簾に海苔を置く位置、具を置く位置について、その位置を知らしめ、簡単にきれいに巻寿司を作ることができる巻き簾を提供する。【解決手段】巻き簾の色付き籖状部材(海苔下端)2と色付き籖状部材(海苔下端)6の間に海苔を置く。次に、その海苔の上に約5~10mm程度の厚さで色付き籖状部材(海苔下端)6と色付き籖状部材3の位置まで間に寿司飯を敷き詰める。次に、寿司飯の上に椎茸や干瓢などの具材を色付き籖伏部材(具材置き上端線)4と色つき籖状部材(具材置き下端線)5の間に配置する。次に、巻き簾9の手前を持ち、巻き簾上の食材を丸め込む状態で色つき籖状部材3の位置まで運ぶ。最後に、色付き籖状部材3の位置まで運んだ巻き簾9を緩め、色付き籖状部材2の位置に運び、形を整え、綺麗に巻きあげる。【選択図】図1