Dorogova Inna Vladimirovna,Дорогова Инна Владимировна,Bartosh Leonid Fedorovich,Бартош Леонид Федорович,Panina Elena Sergeevna,Панина Елена Сергеевна
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to cardiology, obstetrics and gynecology. In pregnant women with anamnestic risk factors for the development of gestational arterial hypertension and preeclampsia, it is necessary to determine the average daily parameters of peripheral systolic blood pressure (SAP (24)), central systolic aortic pressure (SAPap (24)), central diastolic aortic pressure (DAPap (24)), mean hemodynamic pressure (MHP (24)) and rigidity of the arteries – propagation time of the reflected wave (RWTT (24)), aortal augmentation index (AIxao (24)). If pregnant woman determines one or more indicators with values SAP (24)≥115 mm Hg, SAPap (24)≥108 mm Hg, DAPap (24)≥75 mm Hg, MHP (24)≥87 mm Hg, RWTT (24)≤152 s, AIxao (24)≥-1.5 %, then the likelihood of developing arterial hypertension, induced by pregnancy, is increased and the patient needs additional examination and carrying out preventive measures.EFFECT: method allows to detect changes in the parameters of central aortic pressure and rigidity of the arterial wall in pregnant women in the early gestation period, carry out preclinical diagnosis and prediction of the development of gestational arterial hypertension and preeclampsia, determine the need for additional examination and preventive measures, which in turn will lead to a decrease in the frequency of maternal and perinatal complications and an improvement in the long-term prognosis.1 cl, 3 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к кардиологии, акушерству и гинекологии. У беременных с анамнестическими факторами риска развития гестационной артериальной гипертонии и преэклампсии необходимо определять среднесуточные параметры периферического систолического артериального давления (САД (24)), центрального систолического аортального давления (САДао (24)), центрального диастолического аортального давления (ДАДао (24)), среднего гемодинамического давления (СДГ (24)) и ригидности артерий - времени распространения отраж