The present invention concerns a device for trapping flying insect pests comprising: - a device for diffusing, into the surrounding ambient air, a gaseous lure of which the composition is suitable for attracting the insects, - a suction device (12, 13) for sucking in a flow of surrounding ambient air (Fa) containing the insects attracted by the diffused gaseous lure, - an insect trap (2) arranged with the suction device (12, 13) such that the insects sucked in by said device are held in said trap, characterised by the fact that the diffusion device comprises: - a hollow chamber (5) having an least one opening (50) that opens into the surrounding ambient air, - a device (7, 8) for dispensing the gaseous lure into the hollow chamber (5), at least a portion of the compounds of the lure being dispensed continuously into said chamber, - a device (6) for generating a flow of air (Fb) in the hollow chamber (5) in such a way as to expel the gaseous lure out of said chamber, via the opening (50), said flow of air (Fb) being generated sequentially.La presente invención se refiere a un aparato para capturar insectos voladores dañinos, que comprende: un dispositivo para difundir en el aire ambiente circundante un cebo gaseoso cuya composición es adecuada para atraer a los insectos, un dispositivo (12, 13) para aspirar un flujo de aire ambiente circundante (Fa) conteniendo los insectos atraídos por el cebo gaseoso difundido, una trampa (2) para insectos situada, con respecto al dispositivo de aspiración (12, 13), de modo que los insectos aspirados par el correspondiente dispositivo se queden atrapados en la correspondiente trampa, que se caracteriza par lo que el dispositivo de difusión comprende: una cámara hueca (5) que presenta por lo menos un orificio (50) que desemboca en el aire ambiente circundante, un dispositivo (7, 8) para dispensar el cebo gaseoso dentro de la cámara hueca (5), una parte por lo menos de los compuestos del cebo dispensándose continuamente en la corresp