Polypeptide factor IX (FIX) or part of it, because it includes a variation of an amino acid; vectors; calcium; methods of expressing polypeptide factor FIX; pharmaceutical ingredients; used in the treatment of thrombosis, bleeding and vascular coagulation. Dispersed, dispersed, or dispersed. Page: 1
Polypeptide factor IX (FIX) or a fragment of it that includes Modification of an amino acid; vector; Cell; method for expressing polypeptide Pharmaceutical Fix; composition; use of the comPosition to treat hemorrhagic and thrombotic disease, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) (Div. Sun. 1796 - 07).Polipéptido factor IX (fix) o un fragmento del mismo porque comprende la modificación de un aminoácido; vector; célula; método para expresar el polipéptido fix; composición farmacéutica; uso de la composición para tratar enfermedades trombóticas, hemorrágicas y coagulación intravascular diseminada (CID) (Div. Sol. 1796-07).