The present invention relates to a hygienic band containing phytoncide oil, which has a waterproof outer sheet, an inner sheet having breathability, and a moisture absorptive sheet for absorbing foreign matter sucked through the inner sheet between the both sheets, and in which an auxiliary sheet is added between the inner sheet and the moisture absorptive sheet, and on the surface of the auxiliary sheet, sprayed phytoncide oil, and a natural adhesive layer covering the phytoncide oil and the surface of the auxiliary sheet, and having a plurality of pores are sequentially added, wherein the amount of phytoncide oil sprayed is 0.1 to 0.3 g per one sheet of the auxiliary sheet, and the natural adhesive layer has a number of pores by spraying a natural adhesive liquid having the moisture content of 80 to 90% in an amount equal to the amount of oil sprayed and by completing a drying process.본 발명은 방수 기능의 외부시트와, 통기성을 가진 내부시트와, 양 시트 사이에 내부시트를 통하여 흡입되는 이물질을 흡수하는 흡습시트를 가지는 여성생리대에서,내부시트와 흡습시트 사이에 보조시트를 부가하고, 보조시트 표면에는 분사된 피톤치드오일과, 피톤치드오일과 보조시트표면을 덮으며 다수의 기공을 가지는 천연접착층이 차례로 부가되고,상기, 피톤치드오일 분사량은 0.1~0.3g/보조시트1매당 이며, 천연접착층은 수분함량 80~90%의 천연접착제액을 오일분사량과 동량으로 분사후 건조시켜 기공을 다수 형성한 피톤치드오일함유 여성생리대이다.