FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions refers to medicine and medical devices, particularly obstetrics, and concerns a method for prevention, control and stoppage of uterine bleeding and a catheter for its implementation. Method for preventing, monitoring and stopping uterine bleeding in cesarean section, characterized by that after removing the post-transabdominally retrograde, proximal end forward is provided with a balloon catheter comprising a main tube, a balloon arranged at the boundary of the distal uterine and proximal outer parts of the main tube, and a balloon filling and emptying tube extending from the balloon along the proximal portion of the main tube; said catheter is delivered through an operative incision, an uterine cavity, a cervical canal, a vagina and into an external medium until the catheter balloon passes the uterine cervix and enters the vagina, and accordingly the proximal end of the catheter extends outward from the vagina, to the level of the middle of the thigh of the patient and becomes accessible for connection of accessories, in parallel the opposite distal end of the catheter is brought through the surgical incision into the uterine cavity, by controlling its median-longitudinal position in the uterine cavity and finding the distal end in the immediate proximity to uterine fundus center; to the external proximal end of the tube for filling and emptying the balloon, a device for filling and emptying the balloon is attached, and the balloon is filled with a solution, thereby sealing the uterine cavity on the side of the vagina and pressing the vessels feeding the uterus to the pelvic walls; to the external proximal end of the main tube, an aspirator is connected and a negative pressure of 10–15 kPa is created; when the aspirator collects less than 500 ml of blood, the wound on the uterus is sutured; thereafter, step-by-step increase of the negative pressure in the uterine cavity to 70–90 kPa; with continuation of bleeding and a