A positioning over for orthodontic device that mounts to the teeth row, which assists said orthodontic device to place to said teeth row in the desired position. The positioning cover includes a cover which has a space to accommodate said teeth row, and a plurality of positioning grooves formed on the cover to accommodate said orthodontic device. Said positioning cover allows the orthodontic device to be mounted to the teeth row in the desired position quickly and easily, hence increasing the accuracy of the orthodontic procedure as well as reducing the time needed to carry out the procedure. The invention also provides the method of making said positioning cover, and the method of use thereof.一種矯正輔助裝置,用以容置複數矯正器,且可套設於一齒列上以將該等矯正器轉貼至該齒列上之相對應位置。該矯正輔助裝置包含一圍繞出一容置該齒列之容置空間的套體,及複數用以放置及定位該等矯正器的定位槽。每一定位槽是由該套體朝遠離該容置空間方向凸出並與該容置空間相連通。藉由該矯正輔助裝置可一次將複數矯正器轉貼至該齒列上,減少療程時間及患者的負擔,且該等定位槽是在療程進行前便已成型,降低黏貼過程中人為因素的干擾,並提高精確性。本發明亦提供該矯正輔助裝置的製造方法與使用方法。6‧‧‧矯正輔助裝置61‧‧‧套體610‧‧‧容置空間62‧‧‧定位槽7‧‧‧矯正器8‧‧‧齒列