Psycho - somatischer Organ Schrittmacher reguliert Devianz (abweichendes Verhalten) durch neuronale Neuorganisation und - Vernetzung mittels Übertragung von mathematischer Symbolübertragung an das Nervensystem.
Neuronale Neuorganisation- und Vernetzung durch mathematische Symbolübertragung.The neural reorganization and networking method involves transmitting several mathematical symbols to the nervous system, at a frequency of upto 22,000 Hz, to regulate the deviant behavior of a psycho-somatic organ pacemaker. The mathematical symbols are transmitted through an independent external implant and/or through a transmission device. The mathematical symbols are transmitted to the tie points of the nervous system, at required frequencies. An independent claim is included for a radio transmission method of user data to master computer, through mobile phone.