Белоносов Александр Иванович (RU),Кутейников Андрей Анатольевич (RU),Свиридов Николай Геннадиевич (RU)
1. Integral milking dairy complex comprising a milking machine having its collector through the milk line, the output of which is a filter, coupled to slubber, slubber output is connected with the dispenser, and means for receiving and packaging the finished product, characterized in that the two-part slubber configured, the upper section which is provided with stirring means milk, while the lower section takes on average milk fat content and transmits it to the dispenser, mounted directly on the output of the lower section olokopriemnika, complexed introduced mounted at the outlet of the dispenser pasteurizing milk and milk cooling heat exchanger, the output of which the finished product enters the receiving device and packaging the finished product, in the apparatus body installed UV lamps for disinfecting the internal volume included in the complex elementov.2. Integral milking dairy complex according to claim 1, characterized in that the milk pasteurizer is made as a housing in which a cylindrical halogen IR -. Nagrevateli.3-lamp. Integral milking dairy complex according to Claim. 1 or 2, characterized in that the fastening structure milk pasteurizer adapted to its rapid extraction for maintenance work or zameny.4. Integral milking dairy complex according to Claim. 1, characterized in that at the outlet of the heat exchanger, a second controlled output of finished product is sealed in a jar, of pasteurized milk which is intended for processing into milk produkty.5. Integral milking dairy complex according to claim. 4, wherein h1. Интегральный доильный молочный комплекс, содержащий доильный аппарат, коллектор которого через молокопровод, на выходе которого установлен фильтр, соединен с молокоприемником, выход молокоприемника связан с дозатором, и устройство приема и расфасовки готовой продукции, отличающийся тем, что молокоприемник выполнен двухсекционным, верхняя секция которого снабжена средствами перемешивания молока, а нижняя секция принимает усредненное по ж