The foldable birdhouse is made of wood and textile has a pyramidical shape. It can be folded in a square form of a gift package. Two fixing belts are suitable for fixing the birdhouse to the desired location and are also used as gift bands and the textile replaces the wrap. The textile wrap is washable and depending of its kind even in a laundry machine. When the birdhouse is not hanged (e.g. is not use for its elementary function) loses its pyramidical shape.Predmet izuma je zložljiva krmilnica za ptice iz lesa in tekstila, katere konstrukcija je izdelana v kombinaciji lesa in tekstila, je piramidne oblike ter zložljiva v kvadratno obliko darilnega paketa. Pritrdilna trakova, ki omogočata, da se krmilnica za ptice obesi na želeno mesto, se uporabita kot darilni trak, tekstilno ohišje pa nadomesti darilni ovoj. Tekstilno ohišje je pralno, odvisno od izbrane vrste tekstila, tudi v pralnem stroju. Ko krmilnica za ptice ni v osnovni uporabi, torej ni obešena, izgubi piramidno obliko.