Yi Seed Duo function Chuan Group contain common Agencies of Chuan Ban Group institutes that Two bedsteads and a what Two bedstead Inter Pei He Group connect at, The frame Let have the first plate Body, the first plate portions Body Inner And whats The form accommodating sky Inter, And from accommodating Kong Inter Xiang Xia Yan Shen Even connect bracket, the horizontal branch Brace parts of The bracket Ju You mono-, the horizontal branch Brace part concavities of The form mono- District sections, District sections of bis- of the another raw vertical parallaxes of District sections of Two Side Xing Cheng With mono- District Duan Productivity of what mono-, and side Let has the liter drop Installed to change Change height to set in the first District sections, And is set by a liter drop Installed to be penetrated the mutual Group of accommodating the first plate Body phases of sky Inter Inner portion With and connects, District sections of Xia Fang Fen Do Group Jie Complex Number Ge Roll Wheels of bis- of the above-mentioned bracket of what again. The vertical parallax that District sections and District sections of bis- of mono- of Tou Over brackets of this Chong Zuo, so as to the ground Chuan Ban Tone Zheng Dao the From minimum constructive height of what users Will hospital beds.一種多功能床組含有兩床架以及一於兩床架之間配合組接的床板組所共同構成,該床架設有第一板體,並於該第一板體內部形成容置空間,並由容置空間向下延伸連接支架,該支架具有一橫向支撐件,該橫向支撐件中央凹陷形成第一區段,另於第一區段兩側形成與第一區段產生高低位差的第二區段,而第一區段上方設有用以改變高度的升降裝置,並由升降裝置穿入容置空間內部與第一板體相互組接,又於上述支架的第二區段下方分別組接複數個滾輪。本創作透過支架的第一區段及第二區段的高低位差,以便於使用者將病床的床板調整到離地面最小高度。