A novel enclosure is used to prevent health-care-associated infections caused by contamination of devices such as cellular telephones, laptops, tablet computers, purses, and briefcases. Such a device is placed into the enclosure and is carried into a disinfected or clean environment, such as an operating room. The enclosure prevents infectious agents or other contaminants on the surface of the device from contaminating the clean environment. The enclosure also protects the environments outside the operating room from contaminants within the operating room. The enclosure is inexpensively manufactured and disposable. The enclosure may include an effective amount of antibacterial, antifungal, and/or antiviral compounds. The enclosure may be used in the residence of an individual with a compromised immune system. The enclosure may be used to bring a device into and out of a home or room of an individual who is extremely neat or is inflicted with an obsessive-compulsive disorder.