Yi Seed Fu Qiang Mirror Open, which put formula snare and Da Knot Installed, to be set, and it includes into Guan Body, Let Yu Guan Body Inner La Rod, Yi by large and small pipe portion Suo Group Ji Let Yu Guan Body Top Edge make Knot devices that Zhu, which Yaos Department,. Wherein the big Guan Bu Let of The Guan Body have a profile groove, and Inner Bu Department Let have to move the first, second La Rod of Move along profile groove and Ding the Top Duan Let of Wei Rod and An the first, second La of full Rod, what The Rod and have hook part The to Da the bracket , Yu Round Disk Let of Knot Qi Department Let You Round Disk and inverted L-shaped to have sets of holes and through-hole. One sleeve Hou of the sides Rope Knot (Rolling hitch) formula Wrapping Wound whats of Turn is revolved in order to Will Sew Line, what Sew Line Two divide Do to form small snare and Line Knot in end, Will Dings Wei Rod Chuan Let Yu and Das the brackets of Knot devices, And Will sleeves set what sets of holes, the Sew Line Wound whats at small snare end are made to determine position Rod, and ringlet is made to be nested with the horizontal segment of what bracket, Woven what stand frame Inner of blood vessel Huo Group of From and Shi Yu Knot Tie, by first, second draws the small snare of Rod Right Sew Line and pulling and supporting for Line Knot, Shi Sew Line Shu Tight, the blood vessel Huo Group Woven Knot Tie Huo of Jin Er Da to micro- Chong Shou Intraoperative Da Knot, another An full Rod The Yu Wan mono- Da Knot Hou Line Head card what Tong Kong Time Ke Association boostings and go out through-hole.一種腹腔鏡開放式圈套打結裝置,主要係包含由大、小管部所組成之管體、設於管體內之拉桿,以及設於管體頂緣之打結器。其中,該管體之大管部設有剖槽,其內部係設有可沿剖槽移動之第一、第二拉桿及定位桿及安全桿,於該第一、第二拉桿的頂端設有勾部,該打結器係設有圓盤及倒L形之支架,於圓盤設有套孔及通孔。俾將縫線以旋轉的繩結(Rolling hitch)方式纏繞於一套筒後,於縫線兩端分別形成小圈套及線結,將定位桿穿設於打結器之支架,並將套筒嵌置於套孔,使小圈套端之縫線繞於定位桿,且使小圈套置於支架之水平段,從而使欲結紮之血管或組織位於支架框內,藉由第一、第二拉桿對縫線之小圈套及線結之拉持,使縫線束緊,進而達到微創手術之血管或組織結紮或打結,另安全桿則於萬一打結後線頭卡於通孔時可協助推出通孔。