The invention relates to the field of medicine, and is intended for the movement of people with paralysis of the lower limbs. The device provides the descent and ascent of the steps, walking on an inclined surface of 35 ° and on level terrain. Furthermore, the apparatus can be used for the army in the transfer of loads for long distances, it is ten times save energy soldier (using a low-powered internal combustion engine). The technical result of the use of the invention is to expand the functionality of the device and application. The technical result from the use is achieved in that the hydraulic unit for circulation, the hip assembly comprising a control device, shin and ankle assemblies pivotally connected between a node and provided with a foot and the metatarsophalangeal hydraulic struts. Hydraulic apparatus for walking consists of several basic units. In metatarsophalangeal foot assembly, it includes the metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot 1, wherein the metatarsophalangeal hydraulic strut 2 is fixed on one side to the rod 3 tibia, and on the other hand to the rod 4 metatarsophalangeal joint. Ankle assembly consists of the ankle joint 5, which is connected to the rear ankle hydraulic rack 6 which is attached on one side to the rod 7 stops, and on the other hand to the rod 8 of the thigh. Anterior ankle hydraulic rack 9 on the one hand is fastened to the rod 7 stops, and on the other hand to the rod 3 tibia. The front 9 and the rear hydraulic supports 6 ankle ankle control node via a machine control system. Knee assembly consists of the knee joint 10 and anterior femoral hydraulic strut 11 and the rear ankle hydraulic strut 6. By means of the latter and the control system is a knee control node. Hip assembly consists of a femoral hinge 12 which interconnects the rod body 13, the rod 8 of the thigh. this node is controlled by hydraulic counter anterior femur 11 and posterior femoral hydraulic rack 14. Apparatus zastabilizirovan framing tube 15. carcass tube i