The utility model refers to the field of agriculture, in particular to the field of lawnmower production, and can be used in the design of trimmers for cutting plants of varying degrees of rigidity. The trimmer is made with the top position of the electric motor. The rotation from the motor to the cutting head is transferred by means of a flexible shaft located inside the rod. To cut vegetation with hard stems, a powerful electric motor is installed in the housing. For cutting soft grass and processing vegetation under bushes, a powerful engine is replaced by a small-sized low-power. To install it on the stiffeners 8 forming the group nearest to the location of the output shaft of the electric motor, the clamp 9 of the motor position is pre-fixed. The retainer 9 is made in the form of a plate concave from both ends, like the case, of a dielectric material. On the sides of the plate, installed along the stiffeners 8, there are protrusions 10 entering into the corresponding grooves made in the ribs, providing a tight fit to the surface of the mounting platform. The stable position of the engine is fixed not only by the vertical struts 7 and 12, but also by the stiffeners 8, which include the rib that is passed into the slot of the fixing plate. The introduction of a detachable lock ensured the possibility of using the body for both trimmers with powerful electric motors of large weight and dimensions and for trim tabs with light, low-power motors with minimal dimensions, which indicates the expansion of the functionality of the device, which allows it to be used in trimmers designed for mowing vegetation of different degree of rigidity. 2 yl. of a dielectric material. On the sides of the plate, installed along the stiffeners 8, there are protrusions 10 entering into the corresponding grooves made in the ribs, providing a tight fit to the surface of the mounting platform. The stable position of the engine is fixed not only by the vertical struts 7 and 12, but also by t