Климов Андрей Владимирович (RU),Грачёв Павел Александрович (RU)
The invention relates to the food industry and, in particular, to equipment for processing food raw material. Heat chamber includes a housing to a parallelepiped defined by the wall (16), bottom (3) and a ceiling (12), a motor (21) with the circulating fan (19), the guide insert (6) with a central (18) and peripherals (14) openings mounted with clearance relative to the ceiling (12), the heating unit (17), smoke generator (4), a loading carriage (5) with the hangs (1), a conduit for discharging operating medium (7) out of the housing, piping for supplying the working medium ( 9), smoke (10), air (8) and steam (11) into the body cavity, electropneumatic (22), frequency etc. eobrazovatel (20), the control system (15) connected to the smoke generator (4), the heating unit (17), the motor (21) of solenoid (22) and the inverter (20). The circulating fan (19) is placed in a slot between the ceiling channel (12) and the guide insert (6). The motor (21), the control system (15), smoke generator (4), a conduit for discharging operating medium (7) and pipes for supplying smoke (10), air (8), the working medium (9) and steam (11) located outside the body cavity. a heating assembly (17) located at the periphery of the slot channel formed by the ceiling (12) and the guide insert (6). Conduit for supplying steam (11) communicates with the cavity through the wall of the housing (16). The inverter (20) connected to the motor (21). The technical result consists in increasing the quality of food raw materials processed. 1 Fig.Полезная модель относится к пищевой промышленности и, в частности, к оборудованию по переработке пищевого сырья. Термокамера включает корпус в виде параллелепипеда, образованного стенкой (16), днищем (3) и потолком (12), электродвигатель (21) с циркуляционным вентилятором (19), направляющую вставку (6) с центральным (18) и периферийными (14) отверстиями, установленную с зазором относительно потолка (12), узел нагрева (17), дымогенератор (4), загрузочную тележку