A passive latch ring safety shield for use with medical injection devices is disclosed.The safety shield includes an inner sheath defining a channel which is dimensionedto receive an injection device and an outer sheath defining a channel which isdimensioned to slidably receive the inner sheath. A biasing member is providedbetween the inner and outer sheaths to urge the outer sheath in relation to theinner sheath from a retracted position to an advanced position. A resilient latchring is supported on the safety shield in a position to prevent movement of theouter sheath in relation to the inner sheath from a retracted to and advanced position.The latch . ring is deformable in response to actuation of the injection deviceto disengage the outer sheath from the inner sheath and allow the biasing memberto move the outer sheath from the retracted position to the advanced positionin relation to the inner sheath.