The invention relates to the field of electric water heating set containers and distribution of water for irrigation, and can be used for gardening: water set in barrels, heating water and water beds, construction of the apparatus set-top box comprising the relay 1 to turn on set water heater tank, the relay 2 to enable water filling tanks and water distribution in watering timer, intended to define the heating time and to set the time of filling the containers and distribution of water, the final switch to turn off the water supply solenoid valve 1 for automatic opening of the water supply to the water heater tank, the solenoid 2 to automatically open the water supply button for switching on the pump, the switch control circuit for distribution of water for boilers or for watering and filling of drums, switch 1 for emergency shutdown control circuit breaker 2 for supplying cold water. When this relay 1 and 2 and the timer are installed within the housing, switches on the housing outside the solenoid valve 1 is mounted on a pipe through which water is pumped from the pump to the heater tank, a solenoid valve 2 is installed on the pipe, which is a source of water (water supply, well ). All elements have a serial connection, and the relay 1, 2, and solenoid valves 1, 2 have a parallel connection. The technical result - improved performance due to automatic control. 2 ill.Полезная модель относится к области средств электрического нагрева воды, набора емкостей, и распределения воды для полива, и может быть использовано для садоводства и огородничества: набора воды в бочки, нагрева воды и полива грядок, конструкции устройства-приставки, содержащей реле 1 для включения набора воды емкости водонагревателя, реле 2 для включения наполнения водой емкостей и распределения воды на полив, таймера, предназначенного для задания времени нагрева и для задания времени наполнения емкостей и распределения воды, конечного выключателя для отключения подачи воды, электроклапана 1 для авто