1. Absorbent structure for contact with blood, comprising: a fluff pulp, which includes fiber, oxidized using copper or iron catalyst and peroxide in an acidic environment within the bleaching sequence, wherein said structure of at least about 5% thinner than at admission blood than the structure of a standard kraft volokna.2. Absorbent structure according to Claim. 1, wherein said structure is compressed to a density of at least about 0.15 g / m.3. The absorbent structure of claim. 2, in which said structure is at least about 10% thinner than at the blood admission than the structure of a standard kraft volokna.4. Absorbent structure according to Claim. 1, wherein said structure is compressed to a density of at least about 0.20 g / M.5. The absorbent structure of claim. 4, wherein said structure is at least about 10% thinner than at the blood admission than the structure of a standard kraft volokna.6. Absorbent structure according to Claim. 1, wherein said structure is compressed to a density of at least about 0.25 g / m.7. The absorbent structure of claim. 6, wherein said structure is at least about 10% thinner than at the blood admission than the structure of a standard kraft volokna.8. Absorbent structure according to Claim. 1, wherein said structure is compressed to a density of at least about 0.30 g / M.9. Absorbent structure according to claim. 8, wherein said structure is at least about 10% thinner than at the blood admission than the structure of a standard kraft volokna.10. Structure according to Claim. 1 further comprising superabsorbent polimer.11. Structure according to claim. 5, further comprising superabsorbent polimer.12. Article1. Впитывающая структура для контакта с кровью, содержащая:распушенную пульпу, которая включает волокно, окисленное при помощи медного или железного катализатора и пероксида в кислой среде в пределах отбеливающей последовательностипричем указанная структура, по меньшей мере, на около 5% тоньше при поступлении крови, чем струк