The present invention relates to the field of ophthalmology, and more particularly to general retinal and aging such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy (DR), retinal structure of the optic nerve and degeneration of the visual cortex. The present invention relates to the field of devices and methods that assist in the diagnosis of critical eye lesions such as visual abnormalities and dysfunctions. More specifically, the present invention relates to a novel apparatus and method for recording the electroretinogram of the retina that is induced through the eyelid by an eye electroretinogram (so-called ERG) or light stimulus. [Selection] Figure 2本発明は、眼科学の分野に関し、詳細には、加齢性黄斑変性症(AMD)、糖尿病性網膜症(DR)、視神経の網膜構造のかつ視覚野の変性などの一般的な網膜のかつ視覚の異常及び機能不全などの重大な眼の病変の診断を支援する装置及び方法の分野に関する。より具体的には、本発明は、眼の網膜電図(いわゆるERG)すなわち光刺激により眼瞼を通して誘導される網膜の生体電気応答を記録する新規の装置及び方法に関する。【選択図】図2