Zastosowanie kompozycji herbicydów zawierajacej glifosat i metazachlor lub dimetachlor do zwalczania szkodliwych roslin w uprawach rzepaku i sposób zwalczania szkodliwych roslin w tolerujacych uprawach rzepaku
Suitable for controlling harmful plants in oil-seed rape composed of tolerant or resistant mutants or transgenic oil-seed rape plants, and, if appropriate, for regulating the growth of oil-seed rape, are herbicide combinations (A)+(B), if appropriate in the presence of safeners, with an effective content of(A) broad-spectrum herbicides from the group(A1) glufosinate (salts) and related compounds,(A2) glyphosate (salts) and related compounds such as sulfosate,(A3) imidazolinones such as imazethapyr, imazapyr, imazaquin, imazamox, imazapic or their salts and/or(A4) herbicidal azoles from the group of the inhibitors of protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO inhibitors), and(B) herbicides from the group(B1) foliar- and soil-acting herbicides, such as metazachlor, trifluralin, clomazone, napropamide, carbetamide, dimefuron and dimethachlor, which are active against monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous harmful plants,(B2) predominantly foliar-acting herbicides, such as quinmerac, clopyralid, pyridate and ethametsulfuron-methyl, which are active against dicotyledonous harmful plants,(B3) predominantly foliar-acting herbicides, such as quizalofop-P and its esters, fenoxaprop-P and its esters, fluazifop-P and its esters, haloxyfop and haloxyfop-P and their esters and propaquizafop, which are active against monocotyledonous harmful plants, and/or(B4) foliar- and soil-acting herbicides, such as sethoxydim, cycloxydim and clethodim, which are active against monocotyledonous harmful plants.