According to the invention, there is provided an exerciser suitable for exercising lower leg muscles wherein the exerciser comprises a support and a two part foot platform wherein each part of the foot platform is rotatable such that a first part of the foot platform allows plantar flexion rotational movement of a foot and that a second part of the foot platform allows dorsiflexion rotational movement of the foot and a dual foot exerciser wherein the respective first parts of each foot platform are connected together and/or the respective second parts of each foot platform are connected together such that movement of a first or second part on one exerciser moves the corresponding first or second part of the other exerciser by separating the movement of the foot by the provision of a two part rotatable foot platform, the exerciser allows natural movement of the foot, ankle and lower leg with the optional addition of a resilient member of variable resistance for muscle strengthening and/or a mechanical device to move each of the footplates individually or in sequence, to provide plantar and dorsi flexion where voluntary movement is affected such as in MS or foot drop from stroke.Linvention concerne un appareil dexercice approprié permettant dentraîner les muscles du bas de la jambe, lappareil dexercice comprenant un support et un repose-pieds en deux parties, chaque partie du repose-pieds pouvant tourner de sorte quune première partie du repose-pieds permet un mouvement rotationnel de flexion plantaire dun pied et quune seconde partie du repose-pieds permet un mouvement rotationnel de flexion dorsale du pied et un appareil dexercice des deux pieds dans lequel les premières parties respectives de chaque repose-pieds sont reliées et/ou les secondes parties respectives de chaque repose-pieds sont reliées de sorte quun mouvement dune première ou dune seconde partie sur un appareil dexercice entraîne le mouvement de la première ou seconde partie correspondante de lautre a