ROBU Ştefan,РОБУ Штефан,PRISACARI Viorel,ПРИСАКАРЬ Виорел,IVANCIC Albert,ИВАНЧИК Альберт,DUCA Gheorghe,ДУКА Георге,GONŢA Maria,ГОНЦА Мария
The invention relates to the field of chemistry and medicine, in particular to processes for creating polymeric materials with antibiotic properties.Summary of the invention consists in that it provides a process for conjugating alpha-glucans with streptomycin, which comprises the preparation of a colloidal solution of starch or dextran (solution 1) and a solution of streptomycin in dimethylformamide (solution 2). After cooling solution 1 and keeping it at a temperature of 0…2°C is slowly added triethylamine, then ethyl chloroformate, after 15…30 minutes is slowly added solution 2, after 20…40 minutes the resulting mixture is brought to room temperature and maintained for 2…3 hours. The solution is evaporated to a concentration of 15…20%, the resulting conjugate is precipitated with hexane and again with diethyl ether, and then dried under vacuum at a temperature of up to 40°C. At the same time, triethylamine, ethyl chloroformate and streptomycin are taken in equimolar amounts, and with respect to alpha-glucan - in accordance with the desired degree of substitution in the glucose unit of the polymer chain.The technical result of the invention consists in that the proposed method makes it possible to obtain polymer materials without secondary reactions.Invenţia se referă la domeniul chimiei şi medicinii, şi anume la procedee de obţinere a materialelor polimerice cu proprietăţi antibiotice.Esenţa invenţiei constă în faptul că se propune un procedeu de conjugare a alfa-glucanilor cu streptomicină, care include pregătirea unei soluţii coloidale de amidon sau dextran în dimetilformamidă (soluţia 1) şi a unei soluţii de streptomicină în dimetilformamidă (soluţia 2). După răcirea soluţiei 1 şi menţinerea ei la temperatura de 0…2°C se adaugă consecutiv şi lent trietilamină, apoi cloroformiat de etil, după 15…30 min se adaugă lent soluţia 2, se menţine amestecul obţinut timp de 20…40 min, apoi se aduce la temperatura camerei şi se menţine 2…3 ore. Soluţia se evaporă până la