ЛУКАСИК Роберт Дж. (US),ЛИН Сзью-Мин (US),ПЛАТТ Роберт С. Мл. (US),МОРРИСОН Тодд (US)
1. A process for reducing the concentration of the disinfecting hydrogen peroxide in the environment with the concentration of the disinfectant about 500 ppm or less for a period of time until the concentration of disinfectant in the environment is reduced to a lower value, comprising the steps of: continuous or intermittent drainage environment for a period of time to remove the disinfectant ipostoyannogo or periodic humidification ambient moisture over a period of time so to maintain a difference between a lower relative humidity and higher relative ambient humidity at a level of from about 20 to 50% .2. A method according to claim 1, wherein the environmental concentration of approximately 100 ppm or menee.3. A method according to claim 1, wherein the environmental concentration of approximately 10 ppm or menee.4. A method according to claim 1, wherein the environmental humidification step is carried out with water as long as the lower limit concentration was approximately 10.0 ppm or menee.5. A method according to claim 3, wherein the environmental humidification step is carried out with water as long as the lower limit concentration was approximately 5.0 ppm or menee.6. A method according to claim 3, wherein the environmental humidification step is carried out with water as long as the lower limit concentration was approximately 3.0 ppm or menee.7. A method according to claim 3, wherein the environmental humidification step is carried out with water as long as the lower limit concentration was approximately 1.0 ppm or menee.8. A method according to claim 1, wherein the step of moistening the ambient environment provides for1. Способ уменьшения концентрации дезинфицирующей перекиси водорода в окружающей среде с концентрацией дезинфицирующего вещества приблизительно 500 м.д. или менее за период времени, пока концентрация дезинфицирующего вещества в окружающей среде не снизится до более низкого значения, содержащий стадии:постоянного или периодического осушения ок