abstract the present invention relates to st2l antagonists, polynucleotides encoding the antagonists or fragments thereof, and methods of making and using the foregoing. -------------------------------------------------- ---- patent summary "st 21 antagonists and methods of use". The present invention relates to st 21 antagonists, polynucleotides encoding the antagonists, or fragments thereof, and methods for producing and using them.abstract the present invention relates to st2l antagonists, polynucleotides encoding the antagonists or fragments thereof, and methods of making and using the foregoing. ------------------------------------------------------ resumo patente de invenção "antagonistas de st2l e métodos de uso". a presente invenção refere-se a antagonistas de st2l, a polinucleotídeos que codificam os antagonistas, ou fragmentos dos mesmos, e a métodos para produzir e usar os mesmos.