1. The imaging system (100) comprising: a stationary gantry (102) rotary gantry (104) rotatably supported by the stationary gantry and rotatable around the region of the study the radiation source (110) held by a rotary gantry configured to emitting radiation which passes through the region of investigation detector array (112) held by a rotary gantry and positioned opposite the radiation source through the region of investigation, which detects radiation which passes hours Res area of research, with the detector array detects radiation for multiple integration periods during rotation of the rotating gantry, the plurality of integration periods corresponding to different ranges of angular positions, and wherein the detector array generates a signal indicative of the detected radiation respectively for a plurality of integration periods and a controller (118) integration periods which generates a signal the timing of the integration period, which includes timing for the start of each integration period for turnover rotary gantry based on at least time duration of the previous turnover rotary gantry around the field of research, and the alarm time privyazkiintegrirovaniya It is used to initiate a plurality integrirovaniya.2 periods. Imaging system according to Claim. 1, wherein the controller determines the integration period of the integration signal timing period by dividing the time duration of the previous product turnover1. Система визуализации (100), содержащая:неподвижный гентри (102)поворотный гентри (104), поддерживаемый с возможностью вращения неподвижным гентри и выполненный с возможностью вращения вокруг области исследованияисточник излучения (110), удерживаемый поворотным гентри, выполненный с возможностью испускания излучения, которое проходит через область исследованияматрицу детекторов (112), удерживаемую поворотным гентри и расположенную напротив источника излучения через область исследования, которая обнаруживает излучение, которое проходит через о